Thursday, March 15, 2007

Thursday Thirteen

13 Things I Love About My Girlfriends
  1. We never judge each other
  2. When we haven't talk in awhile we can just pick up where we left off, we don't question why it's been so long. We realize that life keeps us busy and we make time for each other when we can
  3. We can share clothes and admit that our dress looks better on the other
  4. We talk about sex like the girls on Sex and the City
  5. We can share a change room while trying on clothes and not try to cover 'the goods'
  6. We have some common interests and hobbies that give us projects to work on together
  7. We don't keep track of who buys coffee/dinner, it all works out eventually
  8. We accept our differences of opinions, we might not agree about everything but we're all entitled to our own opinions
  9. We're invited to family functions and don't feel out of place
  10. We watch each other's kids when needed and it's no big deal
  11. We plan parties and celebrate birthdays and special events together
  12. We buy things for each other just because we think they'd like it, no occasion needed
  13. We cry together, laugh together and share the good times as well as the bad times


Alberta said...

#2 is the best one in my opinion...not sure about #4...I have been called a prude before...!

Allie said...

Wow! I think that you are truly blessed as there are so many women out there that can't achieve friendships like that! I think that it is due to a little thing called insecurity. (insert wink here).

Great post!!

Jenn said...


You are lucky to have so many good friends. I have one like this. But I am so grateful for that one.


Anonymous said...

Wow... most of those apply either to when we were together back in high school or now! I miss my girlfriend! Less than 7 months to go :) By the way, hope you have a great birthday in 5 days!

April S.

PS Marlene Hatfield and I were sending messages on facebook (you should join... it's very addictive) and she posted a couple pictures of Jaime and I at her 16th birthday party... now there were some scary memories! :) She says hi, too!

Tracy said...

I have several friends, but really only two I can call my "True Friends!" All those rules apply to us! It is great to have people in your life who look at you for who you are, and they do not judge. They have lots of opinions, but they support you no matter what you decide! Not everyone is as lucky as us to have such a great relationship with a friend!

Lesley said...

Okay, okay, I'll try and figure out facebook! Sounds like everyone and their dog is a member so I may as well be too!
Love you guys!