Friday, March 02, 2007

Deal or No Deal

Was anyone else embarrassed by the gay cowboy from Calgary? C'mon Howie, I can see picking a cowboy but did he have to be so flamboyant? Him and all his friends doing their cutesy pie dances off to the side? Not all cowboys are like that. Aaron and I watched it but thought it was a little over the top. Although I guess they pick people that do stand out and get people like me talking about it...


Alberta said...

You wouldn't have had that problem if they picked someone form Edmonton!

Lesley said...

Haha Mom! Michelle actually worked with this guy for years and said that his fave word then was yippeekiyay, too. Don't get me wrong it's not about being gay it's just about being cheesy!

Heather and Jeff and baby Jonathan said...

not only was he gay....but he was the president of the gay and lesbian rodeo!!!! even better huh?

Krista said...

I was wondering: why would a "cowboy" want to buy a condo in the CITY instead of a place in the country, and secondly, what kind of "cowboy" doesn't yet have a horse? Isn't that what makes you a cowboy? I didn't see the beginning of the episode, but I had to ask Hike if he was gay because it was just too fru fruie.