Friday, April 06, 2007

You know if it weren't for bad luck...

poor Alex wouldn't have any luck at all! From what we can piece together from Joseph & Alex we think Alex fell out of his chair and Joseph fell on top of him. Doesn't make too much sense but those were the only consistent factors in their stories.
Alex has the highest pain tolerance this doctor has ever seen. Because of it, the doc thought Alex popped his radial bone out of the elbow and did a procedure to try and pop it back in, when that didn't make a "pop" I insisted on an x-ray and it's quite obvious that it's broken. The doc felt so bad for doing the procedure but he said he honestly didn't believe me when I said he's got an incredible pain tolerance...



Anonymous said...

Wow, thats quite a break! Or two to be more precise. I hope he is feeling better soon adn am sorry to hear about the accident.

Michelle said...

oh my!!! What a trooper!! He looks like he's doing well though! Just tell him he's a super hero!!

Jenn said...

Poor Alex! Although always good to see boys/men with high pain tolerance.


Anonymous said...

What is with everyone in our family breaking their arms? First Meaghan then Alex. That's it i'm going to wrap myself in bubble wrap.
God knows i'm the clumsy one so i'm must be next.

Anonymous said...

Poor Alex. He is a brave little man.

Anonymous said...

Hope he is feeling better soon, That looks quite nasty. good to hear that he can take the pain I know Zach would be still crying 10 days after the fact.

Anonymous said...

I can't believe the doctor was trying to push that back in place when it was broken like that! That would have made any mortal person probably black out with pain. That is one tough cookie!

Doesn't it kinda scare you though? I mean, if he doesn't feel much pain, then how does he know what is dangerous or what can hurt him?

New MrsIngram said...

Oh that looks awful. Hope you're feeling better Alex.