Thursday, April 26, 2007

Thursday Thirteen

After chatting with an old friend I started to drift off into a world of possibilities that I’ll call the Land of What-If’s…

1 I hadn’t been an army brat
2 I hadn’t given out my phone number
3 I agreed to live in Dover forevah
4 I wasn’t outgoing
5 I didn’t eat cereal every night while pregnant – carbs are not my friend!
6 I couldn’t forgive and forget
7 I didn’t volunteer
8 I didn’t love to read
9 I never took a chance
10 I never quit smoking
11 I finished my business classes in college
12 I didn’t love working with children
13 I couldn’t drive

Those are some of my What-If’s and it seems obvious to me that things happen for a reason: otherwise I would never have traveled across Canada or made as many friends all over the country, I wouldn’t have met Aaron or moved to Mackenzie Towne (which I love love love), I’d have no friends, I’d probably be a bit thinner (okay that doesn’t really go along with my theory, who wouldn’t want to be 5 pounds lighter?!?), I’d have thrown away lots of great friendships over really stupid things not even worth thinking about, there would be some dayhome providers a little lost without some guidance or sometimes just a shoulder to cry on or ear to vent to, I wouldn’t be able to drown out the world and just have some down time, I’d have a smoker’s cough, I’d not be running a successful dayhome and have the luxury of spending my day at home with my boys, I’d not have a kick-ass new convertible parked outside my front door.
Apparently it’s just human nature to wonder about what could have been or could not have been. Things that seemed important ten or fifteen years ago I wouldn’t give a second thought to today, I just wish I’d known then what I know now. Know what I mean?

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