Sunday, June 25, 2006

Where do these kids get their energy?

I feel like Wonder Woman today - I took the boys to the cottage by myself yesterday and I survived without any incidents (or Bacardi coolers to dull the loudness of my two angels). We arrived unexpected by the Beck's around 11 and the boys had their own private missions - Joseph had to go feed the chickens and Alex had to help Grandpa cut the grass on the ride on mower. We had a pretty casual day and took a lot of walks to see the chickens and we set up the boys little pool for them to splash around in. Late afternoon we headed into town to buy a few things for dinner and the boys both slept for the hour long trip....that was the beginning of the end just about! Because of their power naps, my two boys did not go to bed until midnight last night, and it wasn't from lack of trying! So in the end I just put the boys little TV upstairs and let them watch movies while Deb, Auntie Arlene and I played Rumoli. All in all it was a great visit, I just wish Joseph would have slept in past 7:30 this morning!

1 comment:

Heather and Jeff and baby Jonathan said...

I know they have loads of energy...I have taken Joey to the zoo twice and Alex to the indoor playground once...all without "grown-up" supervision...***smile***...I think they had fun with Auntie in the white car with power windows...

I think it took the fids 3 secs to figure out how the windows worked...and they went up and down and up and down....