Monday, June 19, 2006

And here's April..whom I still have to email-oops!

This was taken at my wedding which was the last time I've seen April -who was my MOH.

And here's April as I knew her from high school -smile- We had some pretty great times together!  First boyfriends, many boyfriends...her obsession with obsession with Sean Lloyd.  Aagh! What were we thinking?!? So of course since seeing your name pop up I had to go digging through my yearbooks, nice blazer by the way April...almost as good as my hairband!...and of course the memories just came flooding back.  It'll be nice to catch up with her and see what's been happening in Kingston and who she's kept in contact with. Can't wait!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Remind me to send you some more recent pics when I get your email! How could I have liked that grad picture??? Ick! :) As for Sean Lloyd.... he now owns a Telus chain in Kingston and my friend is one of his managers! 16 months and I'll be out there to visit! Thanks for keeping this blog. It made it easier to find you (since I don't have a phone number, address or email) and now I can watch the boys grow. My phone (if you still have the number) is only going to be active until the weekend. I'm moving to Gananoque on Sunday.

Miss you lots!