Saturday, November 29, 2008

Twilight review

It was okay. I enjoyed it but it wasn't the new pop-cult thing I thought it would be.

A little bit corny at times and sometimes I just wanted to die of embarrassment for the B-grade acting. I felt embarrassment for the actors, not because I waited in line to see the B acting.

For a great review with similar thoughts as mine check out Lainey's.


Mrs. M said...

Very interesting!
Maybe it's all the hype and after reading the book...a movie is never quite the same.
Remember Titanic? When I finally saw it I was so disappointed...cause we all KNEW the boat sinks and people die!!
Maybe I'm not so cynical these days but I was all "whatever" after seeing it.
One day I'll read the Twilight series and join the hype.

Christie said...

I know I'm not the target audience for this movie but when you talk about the bad acting the one scene that immediately jumps to mind is when Bella walks into the classroom and sees Edward and he is (apparently) trying to appear as if he is having a very negative reaction to her. With a snarly look and flared nostrils, it was too much! I swear I wanted to crawl under my seat. All in all, though, it was an okay way to spend two hours of my day. Not surprisingly my end take is that the books were definitely MUCH better.