Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Exact opposites

For the longest time ever shopping for clothes for JT was a freaking nightmare! He was tall and skinny so his waist wouldn't hold up the jeans but the ones that fit in the waist were total flood pants. And don't get me started on the adjustable waist jeans. Helllllooooooo - Hi, I'm JT, wanna see my big ole bubble butt? They were hideous!!!

And now...

Shopping for Alex is turning into the same nightmare but opposite problem. His pants that fit in the waist are a mile too long, and the ones that fit him in length barely get over his butt. Adjustable waist jeans - ha, not even close to fitting. So, last night we bought him some jeans that fit in the waist and now need them Nannie-hemmed to make them look like they were store bought like that and not tailored to accomodate his tummy.

I remember when they were toddlers and I could just grab a size 4 off the rack and it would magically fit them.


Those were the days!


Alberta said...

I'm happy to help Alex out and have him looking great!

Mrs. M said...

Yay for Nannie's that hem!
That's a mom of all era trait isn't it? I remember being little and my grandma would come and sew her little fingers to the bone!