Saturday, November 08, 2008

And the next theme party is ~ drum roll please~ RUBBER DUCKY

Well technically the next theme party is JT's karate party but it's at the dojo and I have nothing to do with the planning besides sending out the invites.

Next Sunday I'm co-hosting a baby shower for one of Aaron's cousins and I decided on Rubber Ducky's as the theme. Yesterday. So, today I ran around the city looking for a whole bunch of these little guys and now that I have them I have to figure out what the heck I'm going to do with them all.

Rubber Ducky, you're the one,
You make bathtime lots of fun,
Rubber Ducky, I'm awfully fond of you

Admit it, you're singing along to it aren't you?!?
Any good must-try simple/easy appetizers anyone wants to recommend?

1 comment:

sari said...

ten keeps bringing home rubber ducks from school...I'll have to take a picture of them for you to see, they're all in my kitchen windowsill.

good luck with the party!