Friday, November 07, 2008

JT is resilient to super sour stuff

The boys went trick or treating at the home of the Witches of Prestwick and were given a whole bunch of Warheads. You know, those super sour candies that make you look like this:
So as Joey was helping me sort the candies into candy and chocolate bars (for the freezer) he came across these Warheads and thought he'd give it a try. I grabbed my camera first hoping to get some silly poses but didn't have much luck. Apparently he didn't find it too sour:


Heather and Jeff and baby Jonathan said...

i can totally believe that...we went out for supper with bob and sharon...and jonathan latched on to a chunk of lemon...AND WAS EATING IT!! no funny pucker faces, no twinges, nothing...

Mrs. M said...

lol...that's just funny!:)