Saturday, December 29, 2007

UFC Night w/o the guys

I can honestly say it's a bit sad. Aaron gets really excited to have the guys over to watch the fights and now he's home hibernating with his strep...shudder shudder...

So while Aaron's busy being sick I've been busy decorating. If I had to describe the downstairs in a word it would either be brown or neutral, haha. We bought a painting for the rec room too but I'll save that for another time.

Tomorrow Alex and I are driving halfway to Mom's to pick up Joey. Apparently Joey thinks he has 7 more sleeps at Nannie and Papa's - hope he's not too disappointed to come home.


Anonymous said...

Get better soon Aaron!!!

Alberta said...

Love the landing wall! Very you & Aaron.

Hope he's on the mend and not passing it around! So far, touch wood we seem to have escaped it.

As much as I'd love to keep Joey longer, I think his schedule is totally off into the ditch! Bedtime @ midnight!!!! Oops!

Can't wait until we get both the boys...but I think that will wait for warmer weather...someone has decided he doesn't like the cold...he calls it freezing...but it's still quite mild as far as winters go!

Joey's newest best friend at bedtime...the 'rice' bag gently warmed!!!!!