Thursday, December 27, 2007

Enjoying the quiet lull after the holidays

well we still have New Year's to party through but we're enjoying a nice break from the hullabaloo.
Hope everyone had a fab Christmas! Ours was wonderful, we mostly spent time with family playing games and visiting :o)
I can't believe it's been so long since I posted, whaddupwitdat?!?

Here are some holiday goodies from the Christmas Cookie Exchange - which was fabulous!

Here's Joey - he was so stoked to see the reindeer carrots and santa cookies were almost all gone.
Alex opened up two gifts, a tool belt with his name on it and these galactic heroes. We didn't see him for almost an hour after that. He was more than happy to play by himself with these no matter how much I prodded him to keep opening gifts.
This is the boys gift to Aaron. Joey was adamant that he wanted to buy Daddy a game for his Xbox for Christmas so I took the boys to the game store and let them have free reign and this is what they came up with. I didn't think Aaron would really like it but b/c it was from his boys he loved it.

I myself got a lot of wonderful gifts but there were two that definitely stick out in my head. My Auntie Anne sent me another Willowtree ornament which made me cry like a baby. It's a mommy with a toddler and little I'm starting to water again...sigh...and the second gift was from a group of my dayhome parents. They gave Aaron and I a gift certificate for Banff. There's enough deneros to cover our hotel room and dinner...even at the Banff Springs :o)

We've got a lot of plans for the next few months but hopefully end of March/April we'll be having some grownup time.

Joey is at Nannie and Papa's for an undisclosed amount of time. He said 10 sleeps and Mom and I were thinking more like 4 sleeps so we'll see. This is giving Alex and I some quality time together and you know what he wants to do?!? Teach me how to play Star Wars on gamecube. Honestly! I suggested going to buy a skating support frame thingy and skating, or Chuck E Cheese for some games, or going to see a movie and all he wants to do is teach me Star Wars. Priceless.

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