Monday, June 04, 2007

An uneventful day where no one got hurt - whaddupwidat?

Today was a typical Monday - lots of outdoor time with no injuries. Yeah!

Joseph got to show off his new cast to his classmates today and was even the leader. He was surprised that no one made fun of him. I didn't think they would but at 5 years old Joseph thought they'd laugh at him.

Here's the boys Batman cake as requested by Alex. While we were at the hospital waiting for surgery all he could talk about was having a Batman cake for his birthday in Aug. I think this stems directly from realizing that he would be missing his friends birthday party on Saturday. So, Nannie and Papa stopped at the local Sobey's and ordered this cake for the broken brothers. Well...when Aaron went to pick it up last night the baker said there was no cake ordered. Those were definitely fighting words! Aaron phoned me and I phoned the manager and told her that we had ordered the cake , I had a copy of the receipt and said they had 10 minutes to produce a Batman cake for two little boys, one of which just had surgery. So the manager walked into the cooler and there's the cake. I felt like an idiot for maybe over-reacting a wee bit but I was the one who promised Alex a Batman cake and bribed him with it all day. Couldn't lose face with my boy, now could I? As a bonus, the manager re-imbursed us for the cake because of the baker's idiocy. So, I suppose it all worked out in the end. And here's a picture of my new ankle bracelet. It's a little blurry and my legs really aren't that orangey colour but it's still a cool bracelet. It's for cervical cancer awareness. It's one of those below the waist cancers that affects a lot of women but gets little attention. I'm sure a lot of people didn't know that the ribbon for cervical cancer is turquoise - my fave. If you're looking for some cute awareness jewellry check out , they've got some pretty kick-ass stuff.

I'm also going for the drastic hairdo tomorrow! Due to the whole broken arm saga I missed my first appointment.

Until tomorrow with before and after pics...

1 comment:

Alberta said...

Except for the trauma when they said 'no cake' you made out pretty good. We paid for the cake and didn't get a taste and you got the money!!!!! I think your luck has turned for the better!

I'm glad that Joseph got to be leader, he was very worried about that first impression at school.