Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Is it summer holidays yet?

Joseph's out of school and is loving the luxury of staying at home and annoying the heck out of his mother, LOL!
Now that the holidays are approaching fast we're starting to think about what we're going to do on our 2 weeks off. We have a wedding on the 14th in Edmonton but Aaron still works so the boys and I will be solo (well with my family, so not totally on my own, phew!) and Aaron has an appointment July 21st in Calgary so we'll definitely have to be home on the Friday. The days inbetween are going to be spent somewhere around the Morinville area and we're hoping to get in a few day trips here and there.
Joseph should be out of his cast by then so he can hit the hot tub - we doubt Alex will be though, so we may have to get him something else really cool to make up for it. He still has a slip and slide from last year that hasn't made it out of the box yet too. And believe me we've tried putting bags on his arm and taping it to make it waterproof but it just isn't. I'm not sure if it's because he sweats so much with the plastic on or what but it always seems to get just wet enough to make it smell really bad!


Alberta said...

Alex may be happy with a really big bucket of brand new Pl*y-D*h!!! Now what colour should I get????

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