Saturday, February 03, 2007

Am I hyperactive?

This morning when I woke up my leg was killing me, I slipped on the stairs yesterday and although I didn't completely tumble it was still a not so delicate landing. Anyways, Aaron went to the gym so I got up with the boys and we went downstairs to have breakfast and watch cartoons. Yes, I 'm getting to the point. I heated up the magic bag and sat on the couch with my leg stretched out and I was totally annoyed by the fact that I was just sitting there wasting time while I could have been cleaning up the kitchen, or vacuuming or even just reading a book. Apparently I just can't relax and do nothing...


Alberta said...

Try laying on the floor for months on end looking at a dust bunny that you can't reach! Not fun...hope you are feeling better soon!

Anonymous said...

Maybe that comes from the Johnston side of the family? I am the same way, I was home from work on thursday ( sick ) but just couldn't relax, I did the dishes, cleaned the bathroom and worked on my crochette.

Alli said...

I iam totally the asame way but if you look at my house you wouldn't think so LOL. But if I'm sick or very tired or know I can't clean for what ever reason I'll get so mad that I can't clean and try to do what I can do and then get even madder cause now I'm in even more pain. Crazy crazy crazy I know.