Thursday, April 24, 2008

Yes, it's still snowing

Thing Two with rosy cheeks :o) My boys love the snow, they're as excited by it as I am disappointed by it.
I clearly remember May/June being like the hottest months last year and I have a sneaking suspicion that it will not be the case this year.

What have we been up to that I'm wayyyyyyyy to busy to post regularly. Home renos - again. Well, just painting really.

Last spring we did the main floor and in the fall we did the basement. So, that leaves the upstairs to be painted. It hasn't been done since being built about 6 or 7 years ago so it's definitely time. We're doing just a plain mushroomy colour for the stairs, hallway, laundry room and bathrooms but colour for the kids room.
Joey's going from Spiderman motif to camoflauge and Alex is going from Batman motif to Batman - he's not ready to change which I'm okay with. No change = less work, right?
We've been taking down pics, and filling holes and patching here and there. I think the plan is to actually throw some paint up this weekend depending on how late Aaron works and if we get a better offer. ***Note to K & J , we're still waiting to hear from you, wink wink****


Tracy DeLuca said...

What a cute pic! Tell you what... I'll trade you some of my heat for some of your snow. Deal?

Tina said... Deleted the other ones, thought we would try this agina :)

Lesley said...

Good girl! I'll have to check it out :o)