Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Teaching Thing Two To Ride A Bike

It was not an easy task let me tell you.

Sunday afternoon Aaron and I got the boys bikes out and decided enough's enough - Alex needs to figure out his two wheeler - avec training wheels of course.

It wasn't a pretty site :o(

Alex would pedal and then his foot would slip or it would appear that he'd pedal backwards and come to a jarring halt.

We took turns coaching him and cheering him on but oh boy was it ever frustrating! And then the tears came. Poor Alex just didn't seem to be getting it but we pushed on b/c we figured the outcome would surpass the trauma of getting there. After all he could now bike ride with his big brother. Or so we thought. After a few major meltdowns we said forget it and Alex ran off to the park to play.
So, Joseph decided to ride Alex's bike home with Aaron and then we discovered that one of his training wheels was supertight and wouldn't spin so poor Alex was struggling the entire time. My poor boy was trying so hard and it just wasn't happening and it was totally not his fault.
We definitely weren't up for Parents of the Year awards that afternoon...


Goofball said...

poor Alex

LaughterThoughts said...

Good to catch up!
And what a nice little retreat- Yay!!

Tracy DeLuca said...

Poor baby!! I bet y'all felt horrid! Did he try it again when the wheel was fixed?