Sunday, May 21, 2006

What a musical family we've got!

Papa gave Joseph and Alex musical lessons today on his Fender -eek, what a brave guy!

Please note the oh-so trendy swim goggles on Joseph! We bought the kids each a pair today and couldn't get Joseph out of the tub for next 2 hours. Boy was he pruny!

The guys managed to get in another early morning golf game and we all headed to the Valley Zoo this afternoon.  It was a bit disappointing in comparison to the Calgary Zoo but it gave the kids a different viewpoint. At our zoo the animals are in huge habitats that are pretty accurate replicates of their natural habitats whereas here they were very artificial and all the animals seemed to have baby toys in their kennels/homes. 

Just one more reason why Calgary is better than Edmonton! Ha Ha!

1 comment:

Lucie & Co. said...

Loved the videos. I think someone should buy the boys a drum set and electric guitar for Christmas. O course, they would have to leave these at Papa & Nanna's house so Mommie can maintain her sanity.