Monday, April 03, 2006

I hate Daylight Savings Time!

The boys were in bed at 8 last night which would be the usual 7 o'clock bedtime but they didn't sleep until 6 like usual...oh no...they were up from about 4 o'clock.  Needless to say by 8:30 Alex grabbed a pillow and was trying to have a nap. Yeah right, if I can't nap, neither can he! We'll have to tough it out for a few days and then I'm sure we'll be back on track.At least Joey can have a rest on the bus.  Hopefully!


Lucie & Co. said...

I'm with you, getting up in the dark again really sucks! At lease I have a 4-day weekend to look forward to at Easter.

Alberta said...

Easter...did you mention FOOD? No more soup!

Anonymous said...

Love the movies! Awsome!

Daylight savings time is like jetlag but suckier because you don't get to travel somewhere cool. Oh well. I guess on the plus side, it is daylight later so we get to play outside longer.