Saturday, January 03, 2009

Happy New Year

We're off to a rough start blogging wise but I've been busy. So HAPPY NEW YEAR everyone. I hope everyone has a wonderful 2009 year filled with family, friends, love and laughter - that's what memories are made of!

What have I been busy with? You'll regret asking because I you'll be reading A LOT about this in the next 2 months.

It all comes down to this:

and this:

I've been working on our invitations, and donation solicitations for our next big fundraiser. Mom and Janine have been helping but I've got one of those obsessive personalities where I CAN NOT STOP THINKING ABOUT IT. They can definitely attest to how many copies of almost the exact same letter/invite they've been getting via email. But, what can I say? I'm a planner and I like things to go smoothly. The donations have already started to trickle in !

Last year's party was a huge success and a ton of fun but I can already foresee that this year's party will be even better.

1 comment:

Alberta said...

Dear, as long as Janine is also getting as many word docs, I'm OK with it...there are quite a few filling my inbox! lol I'm sure the reason why last year's effort was so successful was because you were the driving force! Do what you do best!