Monday, January 26, 2009

I've been SNOPED!

At Bunco the other night, one of the Princess's told us this horrifying story as she was told by her nephew. Let me know you this gave everyone the willies. And tonight Jenn sent me an email to confirm that it's an urban legend. It totally has urban legend written allllllll over it BUT it's still entertaining.

So, I'll tell you a true story courtesy of said Princess - with her permission of course :oP -

Princess was selling her house (this is key to the story) and had one of those mornings of rushing around like crazy before leaving for work and trying to leave the house in showhome standards. Well, she arrived home and when she walked into her walk-in closet what was she greeted by? I'll give you a hint - Aunt Flo and bumper pad - draw your own conclusion. Now this wasn't discreetly rolled up and tucked in the garbage can. Oh no, this was proudly on display, almost under a spotlight.

Would you die of embarrassment? I'm not sure if I'd die of embarrassment or if Aaron would just kill me to put me out of my misery.


Jenn said...

Ahh Princess, you are such a good storyteller, you gave us the shivers with the snake story and made us laughed till we cried with the pad story.

Keep telling them, we love hearing them.


Mrs. M said...

My husband would have KILLED me! And I would have wanted to hide in a hole and take the house off the market...quick!

Lucie said...

Um, excuse me. Aunt Flo? Bumper pad???

Heather and Jeff and baby Jonathan said...

HILLARIOUS! hmmmm...has the house sold yet? if not, i cant imagine why!