Tuesday, June 03, 2008

The ending is surely the beginning of something new

Have you ever felt like you've somehow drifted back to high school without even realizing it? Do you sometimes wonder why you never looked up so and so EVEN just to get another friend on your Facebook list? Does any of this sound just a teensy bit familiar to you?

Well let me de-code for you:

I have a friend who has said to me on more than one occasion that "people" are talking about her. I put "people" in quotation marks because I'm never told who these "people" are or else I would surely phone them to question them or I'd surely want to kick their butts for implying that I've been talking about this friend. So, after this recent incident I decided to just back away from the whole situation. I've pretty much ended a friendship over this because I'm not good at handling the drama. It turns out that the friend found out that nothing was said in the first place but this isn't the first time it's happened and it probably won't be the last so I can live with my decision. I am a great shoulder to cry on and I will be anyone's cheerleader when they're in a rough spot but I can't take the mind games. I KNOW I'm a good friend and I don't like the implication that I'm not.

So, I've now free'd myself up from my monthly bunco night and our beloved couples night. The couples night was the hardest to give up because we're good friends with the other couples but what could I do?

Have you ever had to end a friendship? Did you ever get over it? Will the awkwardness go away eventually?

On the other hand I've got some great friends that I truly love, honour and appreciate. These girls:
  • don't remind me that I'm really 30 when I'm acting like I'm 20
  • don't laugh at me because I own the Pussycat Dolls DVD- instead they ask to borrow it
  • tease me about my stellar talents as a saleswoman - NOT -
  • phone me to see if I want to go to New Kids with them
  • offer to do my hair for big events
  • phone from JMichaels to see if I've bought my Spanx yet and offer to pick me up a pair
  • tell me how great I look in turquoise
  • show up for almost any party just because they care
  • pick me up a Wii when they see one and know I've been looking and looking

So, as sad as I am to have lost one friend - I'm pretty happy to have the friends I've got.



New MrsIngram said...

Reading between the lines, sounds like a whole lot of drama you don't need .. for the record I think you're a great friend, even when you're so far away!

Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear that you had to make such a tough decision, but it sounds like the best choice considering your situation.

Jen, Paul and Daisy said...

Sometimes you just grow apart from friends, or you grow up while they don't. I had to drop a friend last year that I had since about 4th grade. We were like sisters and I still miss her. But I don't miss the drama. Kinda like your friend, "everyone" always hated her and was out to get her. One she got a letter from someone from another province saying her husband was cheating on her. It was always something with her. I ended up being her shink instead of a friend and when I really needed her, she didn't care. Sometimes you have to cut your loses. I miss her, but I don't miss the stress of being her friend. It was the right decision for me. I hope it all works out for you. Sometimes you are better off. Take care.


Tracy DeLuca said...

so sorry you have had to deal with all of this. It sounds like you made the best decision for you!