Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Move Over Milli Vanilli

Here comes Joey!

He was gifted an MP3 player for his birthday which he loved - until it broke. So, for Christmas Aaron and I decided to buy him a replacement one. So he's sporting around a fire engine red ZEN and it's awesome. The downside to this is twofold (A) Joey figured out where the volume control is and sometimes gets a little carried away with it and (B) Joey loves to sing. And. He's. Not. Very. Good. .... At. All.

He's jammin away in the vid to the Minipops version of a Maroon 5 song- Make Me Wonder. Enjoy!


Alberta said...

Joey, you are doing a great job singing along!

sari said...

Can you lock the volume??

Heather and Jeff and baby Jonathan said...

thats SOOOOO funny...i love the toe tapping...