Thursday, February 07, 2008

I am officially now a Glitter Goddess!

Christine gave me a tee so I'm officially a "Glitter Goddess" , cute, eh? Not a great pic of me but Aaron was in a rush for hockey so it's a timed pic - not so hot.
My first workshop is next Wednesday and although I'm feeling totally prepared I had a dream the other night that I didn't have enough supplies and everyone did everything wrong. Good thing it was just a dream, right?
Busy weekend ahead, we're kicking it off with some Couples Bunco tomorrow night which is always a lot of fun. For all you readers that don't have such a thing I highly recommend this. It's 6 couples that get together every 6 to 8 weeks and play Bunco. It's a no-brainer game where you rotate partners every round (25 rounds) and you win prizes, every couple pays $25 each game and every couple goes home with a prize and you take turns hostessing at your home. Bunco is my answer to everything. Having a home party? Why not play Bunco? It's way easier to get 12 ladies together to play Bunco than to buy candles or books or makeup. So I combine the two. If they buy that's great, if not, that's fine too. It's still a fun evening. This totally works for Cookie Exchanges too.
Anyways, I'm solo-parenting while Aaron works this weekend so I'm taking the boys to Let's Play with some friends Saturday morning for some active play which will hopefully tire them out a wee bit.
Enjoy your weekend everyone!
Wish I were celebrating with the fam in Halifax :o( Take lots of pictures for me!


Anonymous said...

You look fantastic as a Glitter Goddess!! Love it! ;o)

Alberta said...

You look so young!!!!!

Have a fun weekend.