Friday, February 15, 2008

Joey would now like to be called Turok

Today Joey recruited me for some assistance in making a mohawk. I obviously failed but tried really hard. I'm taking him for a hair cut tonight and am actually considering a mohawk for him...we'll is only hair, right? What I worry about is that it is winter and he'll be wearing a touque to school which will squash the mohawk and look dorky. We'll see what happens...

And here's a pic of me with dorky hair. I'm so glad the stylist said no to bangs!

Have a great weekend everyone!


Lesley said...

I forgot to say who Turok is - he's a character from some dinosaur hunting game Joey's been playing lately.

Goofball said...

a mohawk hair cut would look very cute on him! I'd say...go for it.