Tuesday, October 30, 2007

It's that time of year again...sigh...

actually I don't reallllllllllly mind the snow. Although I'm a total sun goddess at heart. It's just the gear the kids have to put on to be able to enjoy themselves outside without getting cold or wet or wet AND cold. All the kids were thrilled to see the snow this morning - no word of a lie we were outside by 8:30 this morning!
I am a HUGE advocate for outside time for all kids no matter how old they are or what season it is. As long as the temperature/wind chill/UV factor is reasonable, mind you. I can remember bundling Alex up when he was only a few months old for some fresh air and a ride in the toboggan.
I can't wait to get an update from Monica & JJ - if the babes had a sleepover at Nanny's house it can only mean one thing - you guys were at a Halloween party, weren't you?!?


Alberta said...

Where is the row of wet soggy mittens?

New MrsIngram said...

We so did go out for Halloween and I am trying to update. It's taken me nearly three days to get the pictures download. I tell you four kids is the limit for one family to be able to handle. We are running like crazy people I tell ya!