Wednesday, November 22, 2006

The downside to having both boys potty trained

is that when Mommy makes a sticky mess in the van there's no back up diaper wipes in the good ole diaper bag! I was so doing so good on the new eating/exercising regime that I rewarded myself with a Cherry Blossom. Why? I have no idea - I never eat them or crave them but tonight I seen one when I was shopping with the boys and I let them pick out a treat (X men trading cards) so I figured I'd get a treat too. Well upon biting into it, it completely exploded and there was gooey sticky syrup everywhere and what did I have to clean it up with? Tissues! Well, by the end of it all I had about 10 tissues stuck to my coat, van upholstery, my hair and probably my chin too.
I miss having the diaper wipes back up for sticky situations like this!


Jenn said...

Sounds funny, I'll keep that in mind next time I'm changing a dirty diaper.


Alberta said...

Craving???? Did I hear 'craving a Cherry Blossom'????