Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Lesley & Michelle's Preschool Adventure!

Oh my gawd! What a night!
It started off way before we even left the house, do we bring Alex and Connor to check out their new preschool or leave them at home so we can fill out paperwork uninterrupted?!? Well we went with option 2 and left the kids with the daddies.
We get there and find out that we were like the only two moms who didn't bring their kids...but we got over it and actually felt sorry for the moms that brought their kids, I think the photocopier took most of the abuse from the anxious little button pushers.
Next comes the checklist for your postdated cheques...$165 for each 11 weeks, three cheques in total, $20 non-refundable registration fee, fine, no big deal, $5 for each police cheque for volunteering...and here's the icing on the cake...THREE CHEQUES FOR $200 EACH WHICH YOU WILL RECEIVE BACK AFTER EACH 11 WEEKS IF YOU MEET YOUR VOLUNTEERING QUOTA! I just about walked out right then and there! I couldn't believe that no one mentioned it on the phone to Michelle or I or the other ladies filling out the forms. But the ladies said it's not much volunteering just 5 hours out of classroom (making playdough, fundraising...) and 6 hours of in classroom (1 morning per month). So, I anxiously/nervously phoned Aaron to get the wink and the nod from him to continue with the registeration. He agreed but was not really excited about being forced to volunteer. It's either he does it on his days off if they coincide with preschool days (as if they will) or I have to renegotiate all of my contracts with the parents that I need one morning off a week to volunteer at preschool...I doubt it will go over that well...especially if Michelle goes back to work and I'm stuck driving Alex to and from preschool. I think that was one of my best selling points as a daycare was that Joey and Danny were dropped off right to my front door so I didn't have to drive/walk to the bus stops...I guess we'll see what happens. I've got until September to figure it out but I'm sure everyone knows me well enough to know I won't be able to let it go until I have it all figured out and crossed off the list!


New MrsIngram said...

Ohh that just sucks I probably would have walked out. As you know when you're working it's not that easy to give up a morning a week, oh I definetely couldn't pull that off. I have a hard time doing two school excursions a year, one for each girl! I don't know how people do it.

Anne said...

I can't believe that they are making you volunteer. What are the single working moms suppose to do. And, the fact that they expect you to give them cheques to secure your volunteer hours. I am so glad my kids are grown.

Jen, Paul and Daisy said...

Isn't that called blackmail?

With my temper, I probably would have walked out myself. But then after I cooled off, I would of had to go back and eat crow. You have way more patience than I do!