Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Can you alter a bikini?

I love my bikini from last summer but it's too big now. I've googled altering swimwear but got mixed reviews. Not too sure I'd want to stand there at the tailor's while they get all up close and personal to my vag either, now that I'm picturing that situation.
Summer seems wayyyyyy too far away!


Jenn said...

I agree with the Facebook comments get a new bathing suit. The environmentalist in me says reuse. But the bigger woman part of me says treat yourself for a new bathing suit. You deserve it.


Mrs. M said...

lmao! This reminds me of an old Friends episode with Joey's tailor and Chandler getting pants altered.
You deserve a treat...of course! Congrats to you that it's too big. Wuhoo!!!
Alter? Hmmm...I'm sure it's been done and shouldn't be impossible.
Isn't it ridiculous how such a small amount of cloth is so expensive!?