Monday, March 16, 2009

Goo, Homemade Ice Cream and a Bazillion Trips to the Washroom

That pretty much sums up our Science Centre Sleepover Friday night.
The program was FABULOUS but unfortunately Alex had some tummy troubles and we spent an awful lot of time going to the washroom while I left Joey in the hands of the other moms, dads and leaders. At one point Alex and I had to make a quick run to the store to get some stuff to make him feel better. I was completely torn - I had packed rather lightly because I was parenting solo for the night and I thought the less I could lose the better. So what do I do? Take both boys home even Joey was having the time of his life OR run to the store, try some quick fixes and hope for the best. Obviously I tried the quick fixes and they worked. I would definitely go again - just not by myself. It's hard getting the boys changed and washed up for bedtime and in the morning when they don't want to go in the Women's washroom yet I couldn't go in the Men's washroom and the girls in the Women's washroom weren't crazy about them being in there either. Once again - I would do it again, just not by myself!


Jenn said...

Homemade ice cream.... sounds delicious

Anonymous said...

The Sleepover looked like fun

Mrs. M said...

So fun!
Love the tire pic...cutie-boy!