Monday, July 28, 2008

You win some and you lose some

Today is Day 1 of me being back to work after two weeks of holidays filled with drinking and eating. Seriously, my shorts that fit a little loose two weeks ago are now perfect. That's not good.

So, I decided that I'd get into a new routine which would involve:

the treadmill. every. day.

putting on makeup and actually doing something with my hair. every. day.

doing one session of my online course. every. day.

Blogging at least every. other. day.

Small goals yet I failed first thing this morning.

You see with this:

Comes this:

They're actually way worse than the pic shows. We're talking possible candidate for a skin graft. Well...maybe not that extreme. But it hurt sooooo bad.
Which means no treadmill until my tootsies are completely healed.

But, alas, my makeup was attempted:

That would be eyeliner and nothing else...Hair. Not so much.

I don't want to do it all in one day, what would I have to strive for tomorrow?


Alberta said...

Why not try a slow treadmill walk with a steep incline barefoot? Or just do some yoga poses and stretch those long legs of yours????

sari said...

I'm also in the "hair not so much" category. I'm going to get mine cut this week so I don't have to worry quite so much about doing stuff to it!

Glad you had fun, you'll get back in the swing of things soon. One step at a time!