Friday, September 14, 2007

I've been busy

cleaning and organizing to keep myself busy while I detox from my carb-lovin'/caffeine addicted lifestyle. It's definitely not easy but I know it'll be worthwhile. Lately I've just been feeling kind of blah so I thought I needed to kick start my metabolism and jump on the treadmill a little more often. And truth be known I spend more money on Starbucks every month than I do on my kids skating lessons and my stamping classes combined. Isn't that just crazy? Although Aaron gets part of the credit for the Starbucks bill.
So I've cleaned out my dresser and closet, I've steam cleaned the carpets upstairs (you'd think we were having company soon or something - hee hee) and my next task is to clean out the bathroom vanities again. They seem to get full of junk so quickly. I have a bad habit of trying shampoos, not liking them and just throwing them under the sink instead of giving them away or throwing them out. But one of these days I'll find a shampoo that I love and the problem will have eliminated itself hopefully. I actually really like the Schwarzkopf line but I can never find it...I'll have to stockpile the next time I see it.

Last night was "Meet the Teacher" night at Joseph's school so I went to check out his classroom and chat with his teachers. He has the same teachers as last year but I wanted to checkin anyways. The crazy mom that I wrote about here on November 3 made an appearance last night. Turns out her wee one is in Joseph's class. Although last night she didn't seem too neurotic although she did question whether volunteer time would be prepping materials or actually working with the children. I'm not sure what answer she was hoping for but the teachers are happy with any help at all. Aaron and I have a deal that he volunteers during the day and does the parent meetings during the daytime and I do all the after-hours meetings, seminars and prep work at home.

Blah blah blah blah? What the heck? I thought I had nothing to post about and it turns out that I had a wicked case of verbal diarrhea.

Have a great weekend!


Anonymous said...

Hehehee I hope you're not considering me to be company! :) Look at it this way... I'm coming from an apartment that will, hopefully, be pretty much packed so it will be nice to just be in a house and to see an old friend for a few days!

3 weeks to go!!!


Alberta said...

Good luck breaking your latte factor! Have a fun weekend with the kiddies!

Anonymous said...

You and Hike do the exact same thing with the shampoo...I cleaned out under the bathroom sink last week end and came up with 9 bottles of partially used shampoo! On the other hand, I just love the spray leave in conditioner, but its soooo hard to find that when I do find it, I buy 3 or 5 bottles at the same time...sad, but at least I know I'll have some for a while!

Lesley said...

I started cleaning out the cubbies and once I seen 3 open boxes of my fave wax I knew I was in I'm putting off until another day.
You definitely have the right idea of stockpiling fave products!