Sunday, November 07, 2010

You know what I love about tonight?

Finding out at 9 o'clock that my child did indeed NOT complete his homework that he started last night.

Guess what we're doing right now?

But we did manage to have a relaxing day up until this point...

Seriously? Was I really attempting to climb up the wall? ...shaking my head...I dunno folks...


Goofball said...

I'm sorry you are doing last minute homework. Did you visit the zoo?

Love your skinny jeans & high boots! I had not realised that trend had made it across the ocean :).

I remember the mid-nineties when we all were wearing very skinny jeans in Europe as well. I brought my pair across to Canada as exchange student where I arrived in the midst of the trend "my jeans need to be as baggy and wide as possible. Let's even cut open our jeans to add extra textile to make it wider". Hmmm I stood out enourmously and there was gossip at school about me and my ill-fitted jeans. I stubbornly kept wearing them though :p

Alberta said...


You're going to have to start asking about homework as soon as they are through the home doors!

Those are the days I don't miss (much!)

Lesley said...

Good for you G'ball for not giving in to that terrible fashion disaster. My mom would never let me wear baggy jeans let alone cut them on purpose. I remember when button-fly jeans were popular and you'd cut the top off so you could actually see the buttons. Needless to say I wasn't allowed. Looking back though...I'm so okay with that.
I do love skinny jeans and boots. Now I need a brown pair and I'm all set!

Goofball said...

button fly trend? Hmm have never heard of that one.
I'm wearing skinny jeans and brown leather boots at this very moment :)

As for sticking to my European trend, all my school mates were ignorant that it was fashionable in another part of the world though and they honestly thought I had bought my jeans about 10 sizes to small :D