Honestly I live with the mentality that the world is a much happier place when we all just get along.
Really I do.
But sometimes, life throws you a curveball and you just can't accomodate everyone all the time.
Like today. I may not have handled the situation in the best possible way but I can live with it and I stick with my decision.
You can't change the past so you just need to deal with it and move on.
Now, hopefully tonight I'll sleep better and tomorrow will be a better day.
6 Steps to Stop Being A People Pleaser
1. Recognize and admit that excessive people pleasing is a problem in your life.
2. Make a decision to start expressing your needs to everyone in your life.
3. Practice articulating your needs with someone who is non-threatening.
4.Understand that confrontation need not be a negative thing.
5. Consider befriending people who are bound to trigger your old people-pleasing tendencies.
6. Remind yourself that it is perfectly acceptable to disagree with other people.
Sorry you had a crappy day. I think it's normal for most women to be people pleaser. But it does suck when it backfires.
You are awesome. You have more friends then adult I've ever known. I repeat, you are awesome.
Aw my neighborly pal...sorry you had a crummy day!
I'm on the people pleaser roll call too....I hate confrontaion and agree with if we could all just get along....
and I double agree with your Jenn....you are AWESOME!!! Friendly, fun, smart, caring and shall I go on?
Hope tomorrow is a happier day.
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