Thursday, October 22, 2009

13 Things That I'm Thinking

Thursday Thirteen

  1. Yeah for Michelle winning a trip to Mexico
  2. Gawd, I hope she packs the camo-bikini
  3. I wonder if Jon will wear a matching Speedo
  4. I'm so lucky that Alex cleans his own puke bucket
  5. Wasn't he over this bug three days ago?
  6. Who's opening for Kelly Clarkson?
  7. Do I have any pictures of Jaime and I together?
  8. Should I wait in line Saturday for Theo's book signing?
  9. Is it cruel and unusual punishment to force a sick kid to come for a drive to Starbucks?
  10. Mmm...pumpkin pie Vitatop...can't wait!
  11. Why hasn't LouLou called me? '
  12. Is LouLou still sleeping?
  13. Traci's status updates are funny. What DO people mean when they say their computer went down on them?


Heather and Jeff and baby Jonathan said...

#3...will there be a camera handy when they model the matching swim suits?! great blog ideas Michelle!
#7...has she gotten back to you? i love finding old friends and seeing what they are up to now, etc... dont have to have Theo sign it...Im sure he will be okay if someone signs it...ha ha ha...

Anonymous said...

I like #13. That's a gooder.

Mrs. M said...

I wish my boys could clean their own "spill" bucket (as W calls it)....