Not often. But still...
Last week seems to have just been a whirlwind of trying to make Beaver scarves, hosting an overnight guest while my mom saved my sorry ass and came down to do the hard parts of the scarves (which was everything but the cutting out), and making fruit kabobs for Joey's class and still trying to find a little time to buy something for the wedding we attended yesterday.
It's been non-stop until this morning. And here I am sitting in my jammies trying to update when I really should be getting ready to pick my boys up from their grandma's house and taking them to the science centre.
Yesterday Alex was invested into Beavers so the boys and I went to Fish Creek Park for the ceremony. It was very cute, all the little blue hatted boys gave their solemn promise on the Beaver flag to be good beavers.
Then it was off to Grandma's and I rushed home to change for the wedding. It was a very different ceremony than what I'm used to. The groom is Egyptian which I guess equates to being Arabic and having an Arabic ceremony. Very interesting. The reception also had a lot of Arabic touches to it. The married couple danced in the middle of the venue upon being announced and coming in. And not just for 2 or 3 minutes. They danced for like 15 or 20 minutes while we all stood and clapped along. They even raised the couple up on chairs and danced them around. Crazy! They had 2 traditional dances, first dance and father-daughter dance and then a live Arabic band came for the next 45 minutes. I got up there and got some belly dancing lessons from one of the aunties. She told me to just be sexy. I said I AM BEING SEXY!!! I have zero rythym when it comes to Arabian dancing. But, I danced and enjoyed myself anyways.