Monday, August 20, 2007

I can't believe this hasn't happened sooner than this...

and hopefully tonight I'll have a pic to prove it... We were having dinner at Kathryn and Jeff's house last night. Jeff has a mustache - put that thought in your back pocket for the moment. Auntie Kathryn always gifts both boys something at each other's birthdays so Joseph received a Spiderman Operation game. The boys were upstairs and downstairs and being reasonable well behaved when all of a sudden it got quiet and then we hear a buzzing noise. I dismissed it immediately and said "it's just the game". And as I was saying this Kathryn and Aaron are saying "sounds like clippers to me". Mommy-radar must have been off-kilter because it was definitely NOT the game and was definitely Uncle Jeff's CLIPPERS. Yuppers, one and a half stripes down the middle of my babies head. So, then came the debate: do we shave it all off or hope it grows in before he starts school in 3 weeks? So far, we're not giving him a #1 special but closer to Alex's first day of school we may change our mind.

I'm back with the pictures, enjoy!


Alberta said...

Alex looks like he has a big hair part in that first photo but when you see the op of his know someone was playing with the clippers! Thank goodness the clippers weren't the big wide ones! That would have looked like he used a lawn mower!

Heather and Jeff and baby Jonathan said...

yeah...i thought/was afraid it was big clippers too...thanks goodness it surprised that it didnt happen sooner too...those boyz get into LOTS of mischief! is that what i have to look forward to?!?!? YIKES!