Thursday, October 30, 2008

13 things heard at the lunch table today

  1. I have an epi-pen.
  2. Really? My papa has a special snorkel so he can breathe at night.
  3. Hey! Is this cow's milk?
  4. Seriously? Have I EVER given you cow's milk before?
  5. Hmmm....nope. You love me and that's why you buy soy milk just for me.
  6. Can we play Martian Matter after lunch?
  7. What's an epi-pen? I have a yellow puffer.
  8. Hey! I have a yellow puffer too. You should come to my house one day with your yellow puffer and I'll have my yellow puffer and that would be so cool.
  9. Can we go for a Halloween walk today?
  10. Somebody's stinky!
  11. If blueberry syrup is made from blueberries what is maple syrup made from? Strawberries or raspberries?
  12. I don't have an epi-pen or a puffer but I do have a pimple.
  13. Is it Friday yet?


Tracy DeLuca said...

LOL LOL LOL ...... kids, gotta love em!

Jenn said...

What a fun job you have!


Alberta said...

Gee Whiz! That's a great description Alex!!!! Bionic ears and a night time snorkel! Gotta love it!

Mrs. M said...

lmao...really? All that?! It's hilarious!
The snorkel is my favorite.