Wednesday, April 07, 2010

Why I want to un-friend "friends"

Nothing annoys me more than people that just lurk around snooping, spying and making catty comments about your life AND NOT SAYING THEM TO ME. Is it so hard to click "like" when you say something that they agree with and show that they are active in your life and not just a LURKER. Hate that.
So are lurkers really friends? Do you have people on your friends list that YOU NEVER HEAR FROM? Does it make you wonder if you're really even friends?
I'll get over it I'm sure... and the blogging will get back on track. My goal for May is to post every day. March and April were a bit of a write-off. I must admit that my emailing has improved though, instead of posting for the whole wide world to see I've been sending some of my gems of a story to my besties.


Alberta said...

Just as I was thinking of less online time...will have to see what the next couple of months bring...and hopefully it will be more interaction and not just lurkers!

Jenn said...

I've "unfriended" people before, they don't get a notice or anything, they just stop seeing you. I unfriended them more because they were idiots though...

Yeah lurkers are not friends...


Anonymous said...

Thats a great point Lesley, and I have often wondered about it. It makes me want to take more time in reading peoples status', and I think that will be my challenge for the month of April, to comment more often!

Michelle said...

I'm a lurker!!!! Not because I am snooping around....just don't comment always because I don't feel I have anything to contribute or I am lazy or I am just shy to comment. Does that make me a non-friend?.....hope not! Lazy friend would be a better name than lurker. I'm not lurking really....I really am interested in what's going on.

Mrs. M said...

I've unfriended people as well....mainly bc it's just lurking AND the crude, crappy jokes etc just turn me off after awhile. Witchy aren't I?
Today I would like to unfriend some neighbors for do I go about that?! I probably should just go have a coconut rum and get over my grouchies!:)