Friday, April 16, 2010

UJ, RG, and AJ

The boys were very excited to see Uncle Jeff a couple days ago. They didn't quite understand the whole idea of The Kloschinsky's moving to BC. They got that they were moving but not that they wouldn't see them as much. We tried the Skype'ing but our evenings are so busy that it's hard to plan a chat session. H can verify that as she has better odds of getting me on my cell than house phone.
In any case, they were happy to see their uncle and are waiting anxiously for a visit with Auntie and Jon :o)
Me too!


Anonymous said...

Aww...thats so sweet. I guess its hard for kids to really grsp and understand geography/distanc. I still remember being confused and sad for you and H when you moved from Kingston to AB ( but I was pretty convinced that you were moveing into a mud hut someplace exotic!) Hope you all get to visit eachother soon!

Alberta said...

What a great AJ's huge smile! Now I want my photo taken with RG somewhere!