Thursday, April 08, 2010

The best things in life are FREE!

Yesterday the boys had a playdate with their cousins'. It was a lot of fun, lot's of time in the new bouncer and playing Monsters vs. Aliens. The part that sticks out the most in my mind is when Easton saw a ladybug flying and was so excited to see it fly as opposed to crawling around. Definitely put a smile on our faces :o)


LaughterThoughts said...

did you take that picture? i love it! aren't ladybugs fun?

Lesley said...

There does seem to be something magical about ladybugs! The picture wasn't mine...we have nothing that lush and green yet. Hopefully Spring will make an appearance soon, everything is dull and brown still.

Alberta said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Alberta said...

I've noticed our ladybugs slowly coming out of their hibernation...hope they realize white stuff may re-appear tonight!

The last comment was deleted due to massive typos...sciatica strikes again and then everything twitches! lol

Jenn said...

Here here, so true. I've noticed it especially with working so much that the best things in life are free.
