Sunday, July 11, 2010

And a video of JT - gotta keep it fair ;o)

JT has already picked out which shirt he'd like to wear the next time he goes fishing. It's a pajama shirt but no one has to know, shh, it's our little secret.

Maybe tomorrow I'll post a video of Aaron wreaking havoc on our lino/k3. What a painful process this is turning out to be.

Have you heard the expression "Electicity is not a hobby, hire a professional"?

Well, yesterday our professional was standing about three feet away from Aaron as he tried to unplug the stove and electrocuted himself. He wasn't hurt - just a bit tingly.

Next step was for me to switch off the breaker before the pro unplugged the stove.

I should just stop talking right now because before I know it you'll be hearing about the broken dishwasher, leaky backdoor, etc....



Alberta said...

Maybe you should have let sleeping dogs lie!

Hope today's progress is on the positive side!

Lesley said...

It would have been less stressful just buying a new house ;o)