Saturday, September 12, 2015

An Old Obsession

Ok maybe not obsession but definitely an interest was Post Secret. I would faithfully check for new posts every Sunday and bought the books.  I think I read some really weird confessions that may or may not have grossed me out that I just quit cold turkey. 

So while trying to organize the basement and move the bookshelf which involves unloading the bookshelf I came across my copies of some Post Secret books.

It's on my bucket list to actually mail a secret but I've never thought of something I consider worthy. 

I did do something secretive today that I'm anxious about so maybe today's the day I do it! 

I'll keep you posted! In the meantime I will add these books to the Sunday auction pile.


Alberta said...

Should I/we be afraid Silly Girl?

Lesley said...

You guys are safe! Aaron? Maybe not lol.

That's ALL I'm saying, stay tuned next spring for more details

Jenn said...

SOunds exciting!

Maybe you'll blog about it next spring... It's not 9 months away is it....
