Let me set the stage: I made some birthday cards last night and now that JT has completely legible reading we've agreed that he's in charge of writing and signing birthday cards (except for Alex's name which he does himself) so when I read Andrew's birthday card and seen that he wrote "like" instead of "love" I questioned him about it. And I got the whole 'well boys marry girls and kiss girls and love girls so as a boy I can't love Andrew but I really do like him'.
I tried playing devil's advocate and reminded that he loves Aaron but he said it's just different.

So funny, wait till he finds out different. Maybe you should take him to the gay pride parade this year =)
JT is really starting to put the big picture together on many levels!
The logic of a child is always so simple!!
lol!! B and I are both laughing at this one. He's too cute!
That is so funny. What a little smarty pants he is!!
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