I knew it was happening but until tonight when I actually paid attention to the prices I didn't realize how high.
So, for snack tomorrow we're having muffins. I considered cheating and taking the easy way out until I seen the price of 8 store made muffins. $4.99

So, I made the decision that tomorrow we're baking muffins in the morning from scratch. I bought some cranberries tonight for my cookie exchange bake-a-thon tomorrow night so we'll be having some version of cranberry muffins for snack tomorrow.
Its crazy isn't it? I almost fell over due to the price of broccoli recently. Can we all live a healthy life on cheap old bologna, hotdogs and potatoes? Ugh! My husband would LOVE that!:)
Your muffins look yummy. I have a banana cranberry recipe which sounds wacko but is truly super!
Muffins look great!
I made cornbread on the weekend, haven't had it for a long time. I had to use whole wheat flour as we are out of the white stuff, but it turned out pretty good. The fat-free, sugar-free mufrecipe I tried was a disaster, YUK
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