Maybe tomorrow.
Tonight I had the pleasure (sarcasm) of taking Thing Two to Home Depot to shop for some new floor vents. It doesn't matter which ones we buy - they break. Plastic ones just snap and the metal ones come detached from the plastic bottom part that opens and closes and gets really bent out of shape. It probably is directly related to the kiddies obsession with heat registers. I keep the house warm but watch out for them noticing the furnace kick in. It's a race to the vent. Not. Pretty.
I was at the self checkout scanning some paint when Mr. Alexander decides to climb on top of the checkout area with the bags therefore the scan didn't work b/c the weight was off by about 44 pounds. So, the lady reset the till for me from her booth and as I scan the next item Alex decides to lean on top of the checkout area. Thus resulting in a mis-matched weight. So, she reset the till again. Well when he was about to do this for a THIRD time I held him back and dropped the heat register resulting in a big ole dent on one side. And she looks at me and says "it's damaged - you have to pay for it." At this point I just want to pay and get the heck out. So I shove it in the bag and then realize that the first paint did not scan so I re-scanned it and it came up with an error and she hollered at me that "the paint is scanned could I puh-lease just check out and be on my way with my son who's obviously had enough shopping b/c he doesn't want to listen".
I had two choices here. #1 Go along with her and say oh my mistake and walk out with some free paint OR #2 Tell her that if she got off her stool and waddled over here she'd see for herself that I HAVE TWO PAINTS.
Can you guess what I did?
#2 and boy it felt good.
Oh, the joy of shopping with the children.... it just keeps on coming! LOL
Lesley... I soooo don't miss the life in Calgary! Thanks for the flashback :D
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