Last night Joey was invested into Beavers. He's thrilled to have his scarf and woggle so he looks like the other boys...that makes it harder on me though. Much easier to just look for the kid without the snazzy scarf.
Busy week coming up.
Tuesday - Joey's birthday/skating lessons
Wednesday - Auntie Kathryn and Uncle Jeff are coming for dinner
Thursday - pickup Beaver popcorn
Friday - Brooklyn's birthday, Ladies Bunco night
Saturday - Beaver bottle drive, Brooklyn's birthday party, Aaron's work party and Dave & Monica's party
Sunday - recovering from the week...and spending the day with Jonnie
I think all of our weeks kind of look like this until the holidays are over. This is probably why I have 3 bottles of Bailey's stashed in my house - to relax :o)
What a proud moment!
Ah,another man in uniform, Keep the home fires burning,,,,
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