So, then came the bickering - uhm, I mean, discussing - V6, V8, GT, colour, leather, new, used...the only thing we totally decided on was convertible Mustang.
This is the one that I have my eye on although my practical husband said we'll wait for the Auto Trader to come out on Thursday just in case we can find one to buy private so we save the GST.
Tonight was a great night out for me! Our playhouse went on sale for $50 off so the Toys R Us clerk gave us a refund for $53.02 WOOT WOOT!!!
And then I hit Old Navy to buy some his and hers jeans and traded in my 'Mommy' jeans for some trendy skinny jeans - they even have the zips on the side...must get some kick-ass mules to go with!
The best part was probably coming home to a super quiet house, boys in bed, Aaron just maxin' and relaxin' watching Drive or Driven...whatever that new show is. It's too complicated for me so I'll stick to Teletoon or Treehouse with my boys, LOL!
Lesley, I think you are far too young for a midlife crisis (I should know) but a mustang convertible, hmmmm
You can wear skinny jeans? With zippers on the side? Should I be hating you?? ;)
How do you save the GST by buying private, just curious?
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